Save time, increase insight and avoid risks Streamline your document management with M-Files

M-Files is changing the way the world manages information through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to assist users by automatically analysing, classifying, and suggesting keywords for documents.

The use of AI enables automated classification and metadata suggestions by examining documents and other unstructured content using text analytics, natural language processing (NLP), natural language understanding (NLU) and image analysis – something that other Enterprise Content Management​ solutions are unable to offer.

Stop searching, find documents in a Google-like way
Working in the correct version of a document, always...
Optimise document processes without disrupting them
Automate document processes such as...
Let artificial intelligence do the work for you
Complete document management in your pocket

Making Use of Microsoft Fabric for AI and ML

Formulation of Data

Good data formulation is the cornerstone of every AI or ML project that succeeds. Microsoft Fabric offers frameworks and tools for gathering, cleaning, and processing data from diverse sources. The data requirements are analysed by consultants to make sure it is relevant and well-structured for training machine learning models.

Training and Assessment of Models

Microsoft Fabric provides robust machine learning resources and tools to support model training and assessment. These resources may be used by data scientists and developers to create and fine-tune machine learning models based on the formulated data.

Implementation and Surveillance

After the AI or ML model has been trained and validated, Microsoft Fabric offers choices for seamless deployment. Businesses may use their models in real-world production settings, which gives them the ability to make accurate real-time predictions and decisions.

Iterative Examination

With Microsoft Fabric's support for continuous exploration, teams may refine models based on real-time feedback and dynamic data. Businesses may increase model accuracy, adjust to shifting data patterns, and effectively handle emerging challenges by using iterative experimentation.

Our Capabilities in Microsoft Fabrics

Combine Your Data Foundation

Storata assists companies in combining their data sources into a single foundation, allowing them a comprehensive view of their information. Data accessibility and accuracy are improved by this integrated approach.

Set Up Data Triggers

We have included data triggers that enable automated reactions to particular events or modifications in the data. Real-time actions based on changing data circumstances are ensured by this proactive strategy.

Self-Serve Analytics

Users may explore and analyse data on their own with Storata's self-serve analytics capabilities. Our user-friendly interfaces ensure that even non-technical users may easily derive information.

Shortcut Options

Our experts create quick, easy-to-use solutions that minimise labor-intensive tasks and boost output. For faster results, Storata provides automated processes and workflows.

Control and Security

To protect your data, Storata uses strict security measures and regulatory compliance procedures. We guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and adherence to industry norms and laws regarding data.

Enhance Your Licence

With Microsoft Fabric's support for continuous exploration, teams may refine models based on real-time feedback and dynamic data. Businesses may increase model accuracy, adjust to shifting data patterns, and effectively handle emerging challenges by using iterative experimentation.

Unveil Artificial Intelligence

Storata explores the potential of artificial intelligence, enabling businesses to generate valuable insights and create inventive solutions. We employ genetic algorithms to foster creativity and improve our ability to solve problems.

Consulting Services for Microsoft Fabric

Leading expert in Microsoft Fabric Consulting, Storata provides businesses with creative solutions catered to their specific needs. Whether you are a large enterprise or a tiny startup, our advisors help you navigate the complexities of Microsoft Fabric so you can fully use it for your business needs.

Power BI Solutions

We excel at offering Power BI Services, allowing you to effectively visualise and interpret your data. Our experts create interactive reports and intuitive dashboards to help you extract meaningful insights from your data.

Modernisation of Business Intelligence Platform

Storata specialises in modernising your company's intelligence platforms and making sure they comply with the most recent technological advancements and industry requirements. We optimise your current systems to increase their effectiveness and relevance in the quickly changing business landscape of today.

Migration of Data Warehouse to Data Lake

It is a transformative process to move from traditional data warehouses to agile and scalable data lakes. Storata makes it easier to migrate from a data warehouse to a data lake, protecting your valuable data and enabling real-time processing and advanced analytics.

Services for Data Migration

For company continuity, securely and effectively relocating your data is essential. Your data assets will be transferred without any hassles thanks to Storata's data migration services. Our staff makes sure that your data is safe and available during a move.

Engineering Services for Data

Our data engineering services are tailored to address intricate data challenges. We provide expert data engineering solutions, such as data translation, integration, and cleaning.