GRC Assessments

GRC Assessments

Just one platform. Different Frameworks.

We help businesses satisfy a variety of compliance needs by monitoring, certifying, and putting their programmes into place at scale.

Unambiguous Return on Investment

Several Frameworks


By combining audits, your team may save duplicate audit costs by up to 50%.

Several Products

1,000 + Hours

Your technical team will feel relieved when you automate, map, and make audit evidence understandable.

At Metric


New products, acquisitions, and frameworks are simple for your team to use.

Organise and Control Every Control Using a Single, Unified Platform

Customise, Organise, and Manage Your Evidence and Controls Throughout Different Frameworks
Module of Controls

Real-time information and at-a-glance dynamic dashboarding

Control Ownership Precisely assign and oversee controls

Multi-Framework Management: Easily harmonise several security frameworks

Evidence Tracking: Careful gathering, archiving, and retrieval of evidence

Modules to Help & Improve Compliance


Management of Audits

Oversee, allocate, and monitor auditing tasks.

Evidence Simplified

safe uploads with continuous progress tracking

Smooth Continuity

YoY consistency based on notes, evidence, reports, insights, and preserved evaluations

Register of Risks

Best Practices Incorporated

Utilise risk assessment best practices to identify, rank, and order possible hazards.

Monitor Risk in One Location

Picture your whole leadership team monitoring hazards in one location.

Motivate Choices

Corrective measures grounded in real-time data

Simple Control Diagram

Connect your risks to the specific control environment that you have.

Project Organising

Oversee Compliance Activities

Keep track of all assignments, projects, and eat-a-glance

Handle Additional Framework Additions

Put new frameworks into place or oversee other significant projects.

Monitor Any Remediation Gaps

Record gaps found, give credit to the rightful owners, and monitor maturity development.

Instantaneous Reporting

Thorough reports and dashboards to keep you informed

Calendar of Compliance

Superior Monitoring

Observe every compliance action in a unified calendar view.

Remain Prepared

Calendar activities that are synchronised with your work calendar

Assign Positions

Add owners and partners to the events in the calendar.

Constant Adherence

Implement recurring compliance tasks using templates.

Composable Governance, Risk, and Compliance: The Ultimate Guide (GRC)

Examine the Revolutionary Method for Governance, Risk, and Compliance

Organisations can now manage governance, risk, and compliance in a whole new way with the revolutionary composable GRC platform called Storata. With the use of sophisticated composable architecture, Storata provides unmatched flexibility, seamless integration, and profound data insights. Discover how Storata works and the essential components that make it a state-of-the-art solution for all of your GRC needs.

Storat’s modular architecture is its fundamental component. This innovative method sees GRC capabilities as modular building pieces that provide unparalleled adaptability and flexibility. Composable architecture enables you to:

  • Divide GRC procedures into separate, interchangeable parts.
  • Easily reorganise and reconfigure these components to meet changing requirements.
  • For a unified picture, smoothly integrate with several systems and data sources.
  • Expand and modify your GRC platform to meet certain needs.
Adaptable Integration

Storata makes sure that all of your current data sources and systems—such as ERP, CRM, cybersecurity solutions, and other GRC platforms—integrate seamlessly. By doing away with data silos, it gives your company as a whole a single view of risk and compliance data. Making better decisions is made possible by the real-time data and insights this connection provides.

Personalisation and Adaptability

With Storata, your GRC platform may be expanded and customised to satisfy certain industry or regulatory needs. Modules may be added, removed, or changed to build a custom solution that precisely meets your needs. Storata gives you the freedom to modify and improve your GRC platform as your needs change, making sure it stays in line with your long-term goals.

Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Analytics

Storata transforms data into insights that can be put to use by utilising AI and sophisticated analytics. With the help of its advanced analytics, you can identify trends, spot abnormalities, and get a better comprehension of your risk environment. Storata guarantees that choices are based on complete and reliable data by integrating AI to automate procedures and improve data analysis.

Simplified Procedures

A single platform offered by Storata facilitates better departmental and stakeholder engagement. It promotes a unified approach to risk management and compliance by streamlining procedures and communication. Better alignment, increased productivity, and a reinforced culture of risk awareness across the entire organisation are the results of this improved collaboration.

Flexible and Sturdy Structure

Using Storata makes it possible to create a flexible and durable GRC framework. Because of its modular design, it can quickly adjust to shifting market conditions, updated regulations, and new threats. Your GRC procedures remain dynamic and flexible with Storata, giving you the tools you need to confidently handle uncertainty.

Cost-effectiveness and Scalability

As your company expands, Storata’s scalable architecture allows it to manage rising data volumes, user demands, and transaction loads. Because of its architecture’s ability to be easily expanded, your GRC system will grow effectively and stay within your demands and budget.

Effective Risk and Compliance

Storata facilitates efficient risk detection and management by offering a comprehensive perspective on compliance and hazards. You may proactively manage risks, guarantee regulatory compliance, and bolster organisational resilience using real-time analytics. Our platform makes compliance easier, making it easier for you to comply with regulations.

Making Strategic Decisions

Storata provides a single vision and data-driven insights to enable confident strategic decision-making. By coordinating GRC plans with your company goals, it improves strategic planning and guarantees that GRC operations efficiently complement and advance your organisational objectives.

The goal of Storata is to enable important stakeholders within your company:
  • CEOs should learn how to use composable businesses to their advantage strategically.
  • CIOs should investigate ways to use modular architecture to promote efficiency and creativity.
  • For Cybersecurity Teams: Discover how to enhance cyber governance’s agility and flexibility.

Unleash the Composable Business Potential

Are you setting up your company to succeed in a difficult, uncertain, volatile, and unclear business environment? It’s time to embrace the revolutionary composable business attitude, which will help you remain ahead and adjust quickly.

What Is Meant by Composable Business?

An adaptable and sturdy company designed to thrive in the fast-paced market of today is a composable corporation. Your company models, procedures, and operations may all be made more flexible by adding composability, which gives you the ability to swiftly adjust to shifting consumer needs and market conditions. Using a disassembleable business strategy:

  • Flexibility is essential

Think of your company as a collection of modular parts that you can rearrange and reconfigure to keep your firm competitive and current.

  • Innovation gains up speed

By breaking down intricate procedures, you may identify inefficiencies and launch cutting-edge goods and services faster than your rivals.

  • Scalability is smooth

When implementing new technology, expanding globally, or integrating acquisitions, composable business makes sure that your operations scale without causing any disruptions to your current workflows.

Obtain a strategic edge

  • Making Decisions Quickly

Your ability to compose business allows you to make strategic judgements quickly and intelligently. Your modular framework will make it easier for you to assess outside influences, seize opportunities, and control dangers.

  • Dynamics of the Market

With Storata’s modular business solutions, stay ahead of the competition. Adjust your supply chains, goods, and strategy seamlessly to keep up with changing consumer trends, legislative requirements, and financial fluctuations.

Opening Up the Advantages

  • Future-Trust Your Company

You can adapt and become resilient with Storata’s modular business solutions, which will enable you to welcome change and create long-lasting competitive advantages.

  • Simplified Processes

With Storata, you can eliminate organisational silos, optimise resource utilisation, save expenses, and improve cooperation throughout your whole company.

Using Storata to Lead the Way in Composable Business Future

Adopting composable business with Storata as a visionary CEO gives you the tools you need to lead with assurance and flexibility. It provides a tactical structure for handling ambiguity and promoting long-term expansion. Integrating composable concepts makes your company more flexible, strong, and prepared for long-term success.

Embrace Composable, Embrace Tomorrow with Storata

Introducing Storata, the world of composable business where creativity, adaptation, and flexibility all come together. Together, let’s design a bright and exciting future for your company.

Unlock the Potential of Composable Architecture with Storata

As a CIO, are you trying to lead digital transformation and adapt to changing market needs? Composable architecture by Storata offers a creative, adaptable approach. Create flexible, future-ready solutions that will enable your business to grow and change with assurance.

What is Storata’s Composable Architecture?

Composable architecture using Storata prioritises modular design, flexibility, and adaptation. It entails breaking down intricate systems into more manageable, standalone modules that are easily integrated and customised to meet your unique set of business requirements. In the case of modular architecture:

Modular Components are Key:

Consider your system as a group of modular components, each serving a certain purpose. Because of their loose coupling architecture, these modules offer customisation and flexibility without affecting the system as a whole.

Easy to Assemble:

Integration is streamlined via compositional architecture. You may simply mix and modify modules to develop customised solutions, quickly adjusting to changing business demands, because well-defined interfaces and APIs facilitate this process.

Scale Confidently:

Smooth scalability is ensured via composeable design. You may easily incorporate extra modules as your business grows in order to handle larger data volumes, support more customers, or penetrate new markets.

Flexibility and Creativity

  • Design-wise, extensible

As your strategic objectives change, you may offer new business capabilities thanks to composeable architecture. Because of its modular architecture, which encourages innovation and the incorporation of emerging technologies, improvements and expansions may be made without completely breaking the system.

  • Module Swaps with Adaptability

The capacity of modular architecture to be replaced is one of its main advantages. The system’s flexibility and continual development are facilitated by the ability to replace individual modules without impacting the system as a whole, should your needs change or better solutions become available.

The Benefits of Using Storata in Composable Architecture

  • Quick Adjustment to Shifts in the Market

You can react to changes in the market and client expectations more rapidly when you use compositable architecture. Gain a competitive edge by introducing new goods, services, or procedures quickly.

  • Cut Down on Time-to-Market

Pre-built modules help to accelerate development and deployment. Composable design helps you take advantage of possibilities faster by significantly reducing the time it takes to market for your products.

  • Efficiency Is Driven by Reusability

Composable architecture can help you maximise your technology investments and save costs. Reusing modules allows you to eliminate duplication and make the most of already-existing components across several solutions.

  • Supplier Autonomy

Embrace more freedom with architecture that is modular. Because of its open ecosystem and standard interfaces and APIs, you may choose your procurement options with greater freedom and less vendor lock-in.

Boost the Power of Your Company:

Composable architecture provides the resources and adaptability needed to spur creativity and adapt to shifting market conditions. You can direct your company’s digital transition and make sure your systems stay flexible, dynamic, and in line with your goals by utilising modularity and seamless assembly.

Accept Composable and Welcome the Future

Make modular design the main tenet of your digital revolution. Together, let’s build an organisation that is resilient and ready for the future by unlocking agility, creativity, and efficiency.

Unlocking Risk, Governance, and Compliance with Storata to Gain Flexibility and Adaptability

Are you equipped as a CISO to handle the constantly changing governance, risk, and compliance landscape? Learn about Composable GRC with Storata, a revolutionary method that lets you build a flexible and durable structure.

What is Storata-based Composable GRC?

The way you manage governance, risk, and compliance is transformed with composeable GRC. It offers remarkable flexibility and adaptability by utilising the concepts of composable architecture, enabling you to grow, customise, and combine your GRC platform to meet your unique needs. Utilising Composable GRC

  • Harmonious Coordination:

Integrate with cybersecurity tools, ERP, CRM, and other GRC platforms to break down silos. Realise a common understanding of risks and compliance throughout the whole company.

  • Personalisation Made Simple:

Tailor your GRC platform to satisfy certain regulatory or industry needs. Modules can be added or removed to create a solution that precisely suits your particular requirements.

  • Adapt Quickly:

Keep ahead of the game by quickly adjusting to changing dangers, regulations, and tactical objectives. Composable GRC provides the adaptability needed to successfully adapt to shifting business situations.

Developing Your Skills

  • Utilise Cutting-Edge Technologies

Optimise your GRC initiatives by utilising AI and machine learning to enhance data analysis, automate procedures, and extract insightful knowledge for decision-making.

  • Optimise Activities

Compared to standard GRC techniques, composeable GRC breaks down silos, simplifies procedures, increases productivity, and lowers costs.

Essential Ideas and Realistic Advantages

  • Flexibility via Modularity

GRC procedures should be modified and realigned in response to outside influences like as shifting consumer preferences or shifts in the supply chain.

  • Independence for Ownership

Provide groups the freedom to decide and implement change in their domains of competence while fostering an ownership and responsibility culture.

  • Arrangement for Harmony

Make that the GRC framework’s parts all function together harmoniously, with standardised connectivity and well established procedures for productive teamwork.

Accept the Advantages and Pursue Achievement

  • Invest in Your GRC’s Future

Composable GRC is a flexible and robust method that leverages cutting-edge technology and cloud infrastructure to boost productivity and propel corporate success.

  • Proceed with assurance

Despite uncertainty, make well-informed judgements, effectively manage risks, and promote strategic growth. Composable GRC gives you the confidence to lead.

  • Change the GRC Structure

Accept adaptation and flexibility to build a strong GRC system that supports the long-term prosperity of your company.

Integrable GRC: Your Route to Flexible Risk Assessment

Discover the possibilities of Composable GRC and move with agility through the complicated corporate environment. Together, let’s build a strong and exciting future for your company.