NDIS: Leveraging Technology For A 360-Degree View of Clients

The advent of the NDIS has flipped the way disability service providers interact with clients. It has led to a more competitive and complex environment for providers, and it has also created confusion for many clients who aren’t quite sure how to navigate the new world of services. NDIS service providers therefore have a new opportunity to both stand out to clients and to help them more effectively access the services they need.

In a worrying statistic, a study by Gartner found that 95 per cent of businesses are not fully using their client data to their benefit.[1] While, for those businesses, it means valuable client data is going down the drain, it also provides an opportunity for your business. By becoming one of the five per cent of organisations that effectively uses client data, you can stand out from the crowd, provide more targeted services to your clients, and help more people achieve better outcomes through the NDIS.

For small businesses, gaining a 360-degree view of clients can seem like an unattainable dream that’s only available to resource-rich large enterprises. However, the truth is far more encouraging. Achieving a 360-degree view of the client doesn’t have to be expensive or complex, and the benefits can be enormous.

Storata has developed a solution powered by M-Files that is designed specifically for NDIS service providers. It delivers the 360-degree view of your clients that can help with being a better NDIS service provider in four key ways:

  1. Client alignment for better outcomes
    Understanding what’s driving your client and what their needs are across the board, instead of in just one or two areas, can help you better align your services to what they actually need. Giving them the help they need in the ways that suit them best will lead to better outcomes for your clients.
  2. Predictive analysis for more effective planning
    A 360-degree view of all your clients lets you conduct predictive analytics that can deliver insights that help you plan out the resources and funding you’ll need to provide the services they require. More effective planning helps ensure your business is more sustainable over the long term, and it can help ensure you’re helping the maximum number of clients without incurring excessive costs.

  1. Consistent services for client loyalty
    When you can consistently provide great services to your clients, they’ll be more loyal to you even in a competitive environment. That loyalty benefits you in terms of revenue and it helps your client because it lets you continue to get to know them better. And, the better you know them, the better you can serve them.
  2. More effective operations that reduce costs
    By analysing, understanding, and using current and comprehensive client data, you can easily identify opportunities to lower costs, improve efficiencies, and operate more effectively. This can help you grow your business and help more clients over time.

Storata partners with leading software vendor, M-Files to provide leading edge and affordable solutions for a 360-degree view of your NDIS clients. To see how Storata can help you become one of the five per cent of companies that effectively uses client data to make a real difference, contact us today.