Change Management

Designing and deploying new investments (such as systems and processes) can only yield a return through a well thought out change management strategy.

Engagement keys to success as are well documented communication strategies

Designing and deploying new investments (such as systems and processes) can only yield a return through a well thought out change management strategy. Shifting a culture requires a delicate, systematic, and well-planned approach to avoid failure and affect positive change. Using a series of diagnostic tools, we assess and guide your organisation through the necessary transition and transformation to ensure you are on track to lead change into perpetuity. We work collaboratively with change agents in your organisation to develop actionable steps to mitigate the impact of change management issues.

For each area of concern, our objectives are designed to help overcome resistance, reduce the impact of historical events and convey a shared vision for acceptance. Without doubt, engagement is the key to success as are well documented communication strategies to ensure all stakeholders are receiving critical pieces of information at the right intervals.

Three Stages Essential To Change Management

At Storata, we monitor the change progress through periodic reviews of the change initiatives identified in the agreed Action Plan.


Planning For Change


Managing Change


Reinforcing Change